7 Day Litterless Family Challenge
7 days of simple, bite sized actions for the entire family to create a litterless home.
In this FREE e-course challenge, find 7 (not so common) steps to become a litterless family! Written for kids, with parents in mind, each challenge can be taken one day at a time, for 7 days to a beautiful, lasting shift in the home for the better. Each module includes a video, project and art activity. We also include a certificate of completion and opportunity to show the world how your home has taken steps to become litterless! If you show us you've completed the challenge and made a lasting positive shift, you'll be entered to win a $250 gift certificate from Global Guardian Project!
Your Instructor
Founder of Global Guardian Project, Rebecca Lane is a mother, entrepreneur, artist, activist, yoga nidra instructor, and advocate for families ready to dip their toes into a zero waste lifestyle. Fully understanding what it means to be a busy parent, she breaks down steps to sustainability into simple, bite sized, digestible actions that inspire families into action- and more importantly, a new mindset and set of patterns that will shift the way families care for the earth right from home!